How to Choose A Metal Rolling Mill Machine

Metal forming is a process that is made up of many different machines, and each of them has its own benefits. Metal rolling is typically used to either shape, bend, or thin the metal sheets you’re working with, creating a more even shape. It’s an essential part of metal forming, as it creates a more consistent base to work with. The forming method, such as cold rolling or hot rolling, can have an impact on the outcome of your project and the machinery you choose. Before you go investing, you should also know that no metal rolling mill machine is built equally, and some may not match up to your needs.

metal rolling mill machine

Types of Metal Rolling Machines

Metal rolling machines have a number of different applications, and with that, there are multiple different types of machines and methods. The type of machine you want is going to be based on what you need to use it for, and how often you’re going to need it.

A flat roller would be used for achieving a consistent thickness in your metal. You process a sheet of metal through the roller to create a smoother and thinner outcome.

Wire rollers are used for processing metal in the form of wires. They’re used to reducing the diameter of the wire itself, instead of just flattening it. While wires can be hand forged, it is much more efficient and easier to use a wire roller to achieve the result you’re aiming for.

Full round rollers are also used for shaping wires. These rollers are used for rolling your wires into a completely round design, which is perfect for items like rings and such.

Combination rolling mills are for when you have a more complex design in mind. You can process sheet metal into more than just a flat surface due to its different grooves which can also be used for wire shaping.

How to Select Steel Rolling Mill Machines

When you’re looking to buy a metal rolling mill machine, you want to make sure you’re buying the one that can fulfill your needs. There are a lot of different products out there that may be able to promise the shape you’re looking for, but at the same time lack the scale that you need. 

You’ve got to think about the amount and size of the metal that you’re going to be rolling, as well as how much work you’re able to put in when it comes to operating - as there are both manual and electrical choices.

Cheaper products may also be lacking in quality, making them prone to breaking quicker and easier when rolling stronger materials. A stronger steel rolling machine may be easier to operate, making the job easier for your employees.

Manual vs Electric

If you’ve searched for a rolling mill machine of your own, you would have seen that there are both manual and electric machines. Both are good options, but it depends on your needs as a business. If you’re not looking to mass produce, you might want to look for a manual option as it can be easily operated without too much work. However, if you’re going to be constantly forming metal then an electric rolling mill would be the better choice. In general, the manual option would be the more reliable choice.

Roll Tooling for Tube

Roll Tooling Design at Bellcliffe Engineering

If you have a specific idea and design you’re looking for, you can have that made for you at Bellcliffe Engineering. Tools can be made to improve your rolling lines and make your production much more efficient.

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